Dream Big With Me

Creating a Bright Reality

Helping Individuals with Special Needs Thrive


We Provide Knowledge

We educate people about the abilities of those individuals with special needs. We focus on their strengths.

We Bring Inspiration

Our stories inspire people to believe what is possible when everyone works for inclusion.

We Provide Sponsorship

Through our sponsors we help individuals pursue their dreams. We provide them the necessary resources to pursue a career.

We Provide Council

We advise individuals and special needs on how to begin their path towards inclusion. Whether it’s a family starting off or a young person looking to become part of the working world we offer support.

Did You Know?

People with disabilities make up approximately 12 percent of the U.S. working-age population; however, they account for more than half of those living in long-term povertyHelp us support the inclusion and prosperity of individuals with disabilities.  Through inclusion these individuals can have roles in society similar to their peers who do not have disabilities. Increased participation in the work force will lead to a more well rounded society that benefits from  everyone’s strengths.  

Create a Better World

Support special needs individuals and create a better future the entire world can benefit from. 

We can significantly improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and decrease their rate of poverty. People with disabilities live in poverty at more than twice the rate of people without disabilities. 

People with disabilities deserve an equal opportunity to pursue their dreams and live a productive fulfilling life. Today, only 32 percent of working-age people with disabilities are employed compared with 73 percent of those without disabilities. 

Review one of our success stories and see how this can become possible for more than just a select few. You can learn more to understand just how individuals with special needs are impacted by their current socioeconomic conditions and how together we can improve them. We’ve also made it easy for you to get involved and take action

Success We Can Achieve

Tiny  Friends & More  At just two weeks old Carly had bacterial meningitis. Her parents were told she might not survive. They spent the next

Northern Coffee House If you happen to visit the historic district of New Haven Missouri and have a craving for coffee, no doubt you’ll be

Let’s Support People Who Want To Fish.

There’s nothing more rewarding
than helping individuals become

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.
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